Our products are long-lasting. Once installed, the cables serve up to 50 years and do not release harmful substances into the environment. Our non-metallic cables can be installed at the same time as the electrical grid products, which even halves the load on the environment during installation. Our products enable stable remote connections, and their capacity is also sufficient for the growing data transfer volumes of the future. Nestor Cables plays a big role in building data networks in Finland and abroad.


Our cables and microducts are manufactured at our factory in Oulu, Finland. Fibre optic accessories are manufactured at our second factory in Tabasalu, Estonia. The loss of raw materials in our production is small. In our factory in Oulu, we use partial recovery of warm and cold air, which we can use for cooling and heating the premises.

Our flexible production makes it possible for customers to order cables in needed quantities, which means that there is no surplus.

Sorting of waste  

In our factories, we try to minimize the amount of packaging waste. Waste from production is sorted and recycled. There are several recycling points near each workstation in our factories. We also reuse packaging material when possible. 

Environmentally friendly packaging 

We strive to minimize the amount of waste in all drum packaging. Nestor Cables has a contract administered by the Finnish Packaging Recycling RINKI Ltd concerning the transfer of producer responsibility for packaging to producer organizations. The Rinki trademark is a sign of a responsible company.

Attention is also paid to the environmental friendliness of the packaging for fibre optic cable accessories. The unbleached packaging has been optimized according to the size of the product. Minimal plastic and paper padding is used inside the packages, and product transportation is secured with packaging technology, not with a large amount of packaging waste.

Recycling of drums  

Most of our cables are delivered to customers with recyclable cable drums. After using the cable, the most of our Finnish customers return the empty wooden drums to certain return points. Our partner in the management of cable drums is Versowood. After this, the drum is returned to use. The drums in poor condition are scrapped in an environmentally friendly way. 

Carbon footprint  

In recent years, we have paid special attention to the carbon footprint of our production and its reduction. We have significantly reduced our carbon footprint, for example, by switching to carbon-neutral heating and electricity produced by hydropower, and by using electric forklifts in production.

Read more about the carbon footprint of our production!

The logistics partners we have chosen have also taken environmental aspects into account in their operations.

Safe workplace  

We invest in occupational safety and well-being at work. This can be seen in our equality policy, job satisfaction surveys, and extensive health care. We encourage our employees to be active and lead healthy lifestyles outside of work as well by offering exercise and culture vouchers, organizing recreation days and other activities.

Depending on the employee’s role, we support their different ways of working, for example remote or hybrid work.

Occupational safety is of primary importance to us. Appropriate protective equipment is available for all those staying at the factories. In addition, user safety notices and versatile first aid supplies are available to everyone. Our employees also regularly receive first aid training. New employees receive a comprehensive introduction to their work, work tools and our work safety practices. We encourage our employees to take initiatives and make safety observations and reward them regularly for them.

The working relationships at Nestor Cables are long and we want every employee to develop in their work and career. 

Finnish work  

The Association for Finnish Work awarded the cables by Nestor Cables the Key flag symbol in recognition of a product made in Finland in 2020. The Key Flag is a sign of Finnish work. The symbol can be awarded to a product that has been made in Finland. 

Sustainability goals  

  • We continue to reduce the carbon footprint of our operations.

    • 2019: 1024.2 t CO2e per year
    • 2020: 662.1 t CO2e per year
    • 2021: 423 t CO2e per year
    • 2022: 258.3 t CO2e per year
    • 2023: 252.3 t CO2e per year 
    • 2024: 192,9 t CO2e per year 
  • We reduce the loss of raw materials in production.

  • We improve plastic recycling and strive to make better use of the generated plastic waste.

  • We increase comfort at work by increasing personnel benefits.

Supplier Code of Conduct 

Learn about our Supplier Code of Conduct