Nestor Optimus is our optimal solution for your microduct networks

Thu Apr 30 09:52:00 2020

Microduct networks are a popular way to build a fibre optic cabling in areas which demand a flexible and expandable fibre optic networks, such as growing suburbs or urban areas. Nestor Optimus is our solution to microduct networks and it includes fibre optic cables, microducts and accessories for such networks. 


What is microduct technology? 

A microduct is a small, flexible lightweight tube. Microducts are also manufactured into bundles which contain more than one microducts within a sheath. Depending on the requirements of each microduct, microducts are either directly buried to the ground or into protective ducts. After the microduct network is installed to the ground for example by microtrenching, fibre optic cables are blown into the ducts.

The microducts are able to resist pressure differences needed for installation by blowing and their inner surface has a low coefficient of friction.

Microduct network also demands a range of accessories for example connectors, end stops and gas blocks. See an illustration of a microduct network below.

Fibre optic cables or fibre units can be later blown into the installed microducts. If the microduct network reaches all potential customer properties within an area, all future subscribers can have a fibre connection whenever required. If a property decides not to have a fibre connection, the microduct route to their property can be left empty to wait for a possible later agreement to connect to the fibre network.

A microduct optical fibre cable is installed into the microduct by using air blowing method. Microduct cables normally have a sheath, a strength member and possibly a jelly filling. Nowadays there are also flexible fibre optic cables with Flex tube construction. Microduct cables can be treated in many ways as normal cables, but they are thiner and more elastic. The constructions of microduct cables are lightweigh, because they will be protected by the microduct so they do not need special protections in the cable constructions themselves.


Why microduct technology? 

Once the microduct network is installed its lifecycle is long. The network can be expanded by blowing more cables to the microducts:  adding new users is fast and increasing network capacity is easy afterwards. Therefore microduct network is suitable for changing and growing urban and suburban areas where it is difficult to know the final number of end-users in the early stages of a project.

Microduct network can also be constructed with lighter installation techniques (such as microtrenching), which reduces construction costs and disturbances to the neighbourhood during installation.


Nestor Optimus 

The Nestor Optimus product family includes all needed products - cables, microducts, microduct accessories and tools - for construction of microduct networks. Nestor Optimus is the optimal solution to microduct networks. With Nestor Optimus you can easily build the best microduct network to suit your needs. The products in the family are optimized to fit together for easy installation. 

Following products can be found in the product family:

Fibre optic cables 

Nestor Cables' selection for microduct networks includes cables with 1 - 288 fibres. Tests on testing ground as well as neutral testing facilities have shown excellent blowing properties of our cables. Easy handling of the cable during installation is taken into account in cable construction. The range also includes cables with a flexible cable construction. 


There are microducts both for direct buried installation and installation in a protective duct installation in the Nestor Optimus product family.

Direct buried installation is carried out by digging, microtrenching or ploughing. Installation in protective or cable ducts can be carried out either by pushing, pulling or blowing.

Microducts are made from HDPE. The microduct bundles may be provided with a tracer wire which allows the bundle to be located from the ground. Microducts can be colour-coded according to international standards and the needs of the customer.

Accessories and tools   

The Optimus product family also includes different types of accessories and tools for microduct networks. For example, the product family includes end stops, gasblocks, reducers, straight connectors, cable seals, divisible seals and temporary end caps.

We are currently updating the range of microduct accessories on our website. If you need more information about these product, please contact our customer service!

Learn more about our Nestor Optimus products!