The Nestor C-Proof product group includes our cables whose reaction to fire is classified as Cca
Thu May 20 16:01:00 2021
Since the summer of 2021, our cables whose reaction to fire is classified as Cca will be under our new Nestor C-Proof product group. Therefore our cables FZMSU Cca and FTMSU Cca will be known as FZMSU C-Proof and FTMSU C-Proof. The Nestor C-Proof product group will also expand in the future with other products that meet the requirements of class Cca.
The classification of cables according to their reaction to fire is related to the CPR, or Construction Products Regulation, which has been in force in the EU since 2017 and aims to improve the fire safety of building materials.
With the CPR regulation, cables intended for installation in buildings are classified and their packaging marked according to the fire properties of the cable. The classification system is the same in every EU country, but each country determines for itself what level of safety different construction projects require.
Learn more about Nestor C-Proof cables: