NBFU (Nestor Blown Fibre Unit) is a optical fibre cable for microduct installation by blowing or pushing.


  • Optical fibres: Coloured single-mode fibres according to the ITU-T G.657.A1.
  • Buffer layer: UV cured polymer.
  • Outer sheath: Polyolefin compound. Colour of the sheath is blue. Nominal thickness is 0,2 mm.
  • Marking: Marking printed on the sheath at one meter interval: Cable type - year of manufacture - length marking.

Below is a video on how to strip NBFU cable. If you don't see the video below, you can watch it on YouTube.


Size STK* Nestor code Diameter Weight Length Drum
4xG.657.A1 FIN2012 0217574 L11375 1,2 mm 1,4 kg/km 2000 m P4
4xG.657.A1 (Box package) 0217582 L11495 1,2 mm 1,4 kg/km 6000 m -
12xG.657.A1 FIN/TIA 0217485 L11059 1,6 mm 2,7 kg/km 2000 m P4
12xG.657.A1 (Box package) 0217590 L11665 1,6 mm 2,7 kg/km 4000 m -
2xG.657.A1 TIA - L11057 1,2 mm 1,4 kg/km 2000 m -
4xG.657.A1 TIA - L11058 1,2 mm 1,4 kg/km 2000 m -
8xG.657.A1 TIA - L11072 1,5 mm 2,3 kg/km 2000 m P4


*Clicking on these numbers will take you to the product page on the Finnish STK service.

Maximum tension 2 and 4F: 10 N, 12F: 30 N
Crush strength with 100 mm plate 250 N
Temperature range in operation -40 to +60 °C
Temperature range during transport, storage -40 to +70 °C
Temperature range during installation -15 to +40 °C
Minimum bending radius, mm  During installation 60 mm, installed 40 mm
Reaction to fire (CPR) Fca